Welcome to the
Vermont Affordable Heat Act
Information Hub

Welcome to our evolving platform dedicated to facilitating conversation and sharing information about Vermont's Affordable Heat Act (S4). Our mission is to provide a balanced view of the Act, highlighting both its benefits and challenges, and to create a space for community engagement.

Share Your Story.
We believe in the power of personal stories to shape policy and bring about meaningful change. Eventually, we will want to capture your story to share with policymakers on how increases in fuel costs will impact your home and pocketbook. By sharing your experiences, you can help ensure that the voices of Vermont residents are heard in the decision-making process. (Form coming soon)

Overview of Vermont Act 18 (The Affordable Heat Act).

The Affordable Heat Act, also known as Vermont Act 18, is a legislative effort aimed at addressing the energy needs and environmental impact of heating in Vermont. This act introduces measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency, and make heating more affordable for Vermont residents.

Key Objectives of the Affordable Heat Act:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from heating systems.
  • Increase energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings.
  • Provide financial assistance and incentives for adopting cleaner heating technologies.

Detailed Information

For those looking for comprehensive details on the Affordable Heat Act, we provide links to official documents and third-party analyses. These resources offer in-depth information on the legislative framework, implementation strategies, and expected outcomes of the Act.

Pros of the Affordable Heat Act

For those looking for comprehensive details on the Affordable Heat Act, we provide links to official documents and third-party analyses. These resources offer in-depth information on the legislative framework, implementation strategies, and expected outcomes of the Act.

1. Environmental Benefits:
  • Significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from heating.
  • Promotion of sustainable and renewable energy sources.
  • Contribution to Vermont’s overall climate goals.
2. Economic Benefits:
  • Long-term cost savings on heating bills through energy efficiency improvements.
  • Creation of green jobs in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.
  • Financial incentives and rebates for homeowners and businesses adopting cleaner technologies.

Cons of the Affordable Heat Act

1. Economic Concerns:
  • Initial cost of upgrading to more efficient or renewable heating systems.
  • Potential increase in heating costs during the transition period.
  • Economic impact on businesses involved in traditional heating fuels.
  • Financial and emotional impact on our most vulnerable populations.
2. Implementation Challenges:
  • Complexity of administering and regulating the new systems and incentives.
  • Possible delays and logistical issues in rolling out the program statewide.
  • Ensuring equitable access to benefits for all Vermont residents, especially low-income households.
3. Opposition and Criticism:
  • Concerns about government overreach and regulation.
  • Debate over the effectiveness of the proposed measures in reducing emissions.
  • Resistance from stakeholders in the fossil fuel industry.


The Affordable Heat Act represents a significant step towards a sustainable and energy-efficient future for Vermont. While it promises substantial environmental and economic benefits, it also poses challenges and raises concerns that need to be addressed. By providing balanced information, our aim is to help Vermont residents make informed decisions about the Act and its implications.

Get Involved

Stay informed and get involved in the conversation about Vermont's energy future. Join our community discussions, attend public forums, and participate in local initiatives to shape the implementation of the Affordable Heat Act.

Hilltop Members save real money - You can too.

Hilltop Energy Buyer's Group leverages its 4,000+ members to secure the best rates possible for propane and oil. Our collective buying power ensures that you get the most competitive prices for your heating needs in Vermont.

Join the thousands who have already taken control of their heating costs through membership. Don't pay a premium when you don't have to.

Hilltop Energy Buyer's Group - Bringing you the power to save.

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